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Questions and Answers

Here are some questions and answers about what I do. CM means consciousness mechanics, CMTM means Consciousness Mechanics: The Movie.

Why Iamniverse?

Are you making any more movies? And what happened to the DVD?

How the hell is consciousness mechanics scientific? It’s metaphysical pseudoscience! It’s a bunch of silly nilly woo woo!!

I noticed your projects involve money in some way, shape, or form. Where does money fit into spirituality?

I’ve read some of your stuff on depression and it has helped me immensely, how did you manage to come up with those ideas?

Hey, I heard so-and-so say the same thing!

Why do you sometimes put “lol” when you write? It’s childish and unprofessional.

Why don’t you talk more about love and light? What about unconditional love? Isn’t love the answer to all problems?

What are some of your hobbies? What do you do for fun?

Wait a second, MRP is you trying to cure cancer? Get real!

Why do you have so many save-the-world kind of objectives? Most people want to help others, but you want people to realize they are the universe and cure cancer on top of that? What’s the deal with these lofty goals?



Q: Why Iamniverse?

A: I made Iamniverse for people to realize they are the universe, and for me to make a living actively helping people make that realization.



Q: Are you making any more movies? And what happened to the CMTM DVD?

A: We’ll see. There are too many directions I could head in, with too many variables to make a definitive statement this early on. I have about two full movies’ worth of information just waiting to be put out, but I feel “urged” to redo the 2016 version movie. I still plan to release 25+ CM videos, so I may just work on CM videos until I can make a really high quality version of CMTM (mainstream movie studio quality), and then make the next two movies. There are way too many variables, for instance, in the beginning of the year I was going to release a new “thing,” which I postponed release for in favor of MRP.

I don’t know what will become of the DVD—again, too many variables. For instance, I might start selling Blu-ray versions too. I just don’t have time to be playing “edit tag” right now. Edit tag is the back and forth process of checking the finished product the manufacturing company sends you for errors, making edits, and checking the newly sent revision. It’s repetitive like a game of tag. The “errors” are mistranslations in their online-to-physical template system; e.g., the cover’s color may be off, the font may be blurry, or the logo may be too big, etc. You make the original thinking it will come out correctly, it doesn’t, then you make edits thinking the edits will come out correctly, ad nauseam. It’s a lot of fun.

So overall, the answer is “we’ll see.” The shorter CM videos are extremely useful, because you can focus on one topic at a time easier, and I can put out lots of info quicker than making a movie. Sitting through or having to search through an hour and a half movie isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, especially online. Keeping it short and sweet is a virtue for internet peoples.



Q: Two more entire movies’ worth of info?! WTH, put it out!

A: I am. Not “I will,” I am. It’s a process. Subscribe to the IAMNIVERSE YouTube channel to observe that process.



Q: How the hell is consciousness mechanics scientific? It’s metaphysical pseudoscience! It’s a bunch of silly nilly woo woo!!

A: You’ve got it all wrong! This isn’t silly nilly woo woo, this is that rutti-tutti fruity Louis—what I usually do. This that jump. Stomp. Breathe... HOOTY HOO! [][300][🦅]



Q: I noticed your projects involve money in some way, shape, or form. Where does money fit into spirituality?

A: We live in a monetary system, so things cost money. Internet connection doesn’t grow on trees. Your clothes wasn’t made from of the kindness of someone’s heart, it was made so they could exchange that piece of work for food to eat, and for clothes someone else made in exchange for something else. Money is just a medium of resource allocation. Now with that said, I think the fiat monetary system is extremely flawed, and needs to be upgraded.

I’ve noticed many spiritualists conflate making money with being a greedy, evil person. This is one of the reasons the world is the way it is. We need to empower spiritual, compassionate people—and people with good ideas in general—with money, so they can influence the world in a more positive direction. In a monetary system, the more money you have, the more power and resources you have to effect drastic cultural change. When everyone associates being good with being poor, the bad guys get all the power, because the good guys are busy “being humble,” and reducing their cultural influence on Earth’s stage. We need RICH GOOD GUYS. Imagine what the world would look like if all the billionaires thought even an iota like Jacque Fresco (he created the Venus Project). I know I’m speaking in cliché polarities of good and evil, but you know what I mean. We need to make spiritual, (or non-spiritual) good people rich, and stop supporting companies that will happily poison your children, and destroy an entire ecosystem if they thought they could make an extra million on top of the billions they already have. And when I say “spiritual” I just mean having values of “treat others the way you want to be treated,” not corrupt religious leaders. As Reverend Alizé once said, “Don’t let the smooth taste fool ya!”



Q: I’ve read some of your stuff on depression and it has helped me immensely, how did you manage to come up with those ideas?

A: I became severely depressed at one point in my life and transformed it. That’s why I have such conviction when sharing how others can do it too. In transforming it, I learned everything about depression that I could, most of which can’t be found in medical literature. I speak from experience, which is why the techniques work, and why the definitions are so clear. I didn’t learn any of this stuff from school, and I’m not parroting what I’ve heard from others. I’m simply saying what I know works, in a way that others can know for themselves.

Obviously I’m not the only person in the world with ideas about how to cure depression, so I took it up a notch and made sure I really got creative and gave information I’ve never heard before at all; e.g., labeling depression as “the 3D disease.” It is the illness of not being fully aware of the nonphysical dimensions of self, while being bored with the physical. It’s the feeling of being unaware of the animating principle that give’s physical matter a reason for existing, like a child that no longer enjoys playing with toys.

I’ll probably make a short book all about it. I enjoy writing on this topic, and I can dive much deeper than what I put in Navigating the Matrix. If you need help transforming depression yourself, I’m always willing to work with you. My techniques and information on the subject are nothing like what you find in the medical industry, which costs tons of money and probably won’t work in the long run.



Q: Hey, I heard so-and-so say the same thing!

A: A lot of what you see in CM has probably been said before. Even the name, “consciousness mechanics” was something I made up, and upon searching, somebody else was using that term to describe their work. CM is a gigantic amalgam of topics, theories, ideas, and realizations I’m sure other people with other platforms discovered for themselves. I’ll be completely honest, some of the theories are just putting together old stuff in new ways, for instance Planck-state phenomena—that’s really just the many-worlds theory quantified with Planck time. Now Cole’s paradox on the other hand, that was an epiphany I had about how reality works—it was totally plucked from my imagination, as a conclusion of deciphering a core aspect of reality’s structure.

Long story short, it’s a big world. People are bound to say similar stuff when talking about the same exact topic. I’m going to keep putting out so much unique information I don’t care which people I sound like, or who’s copying whom. As I’ve said in another answer, I have over two movies’ worth more of information to share. Stay tuned. Cole’s paradox isn’t the only epiphany I’ve had. ;)



Q: Why do you sometimes put “lol” when you write? It’s childish and unprofessional.

A: I’ve noticed that irks some people, but that’s their personal problem, not mine. The world needs to lighten up, and laughing more is part of that enlightenment—I’ll proudly lead the way: tee hee! Hehe, lol, HAHAHAHA! LMAO!! LMFAO!!! ROFLMFAO!!1! SSJ4ROFLMAOcopter!!!911!

On a “serious” note, I believe maintaining your inner child is key to happiness, health, and longevity. I laugh a lot, and would be remiss to not portray that in my writing, seeing as though humor is a core facet of who I am. I can be very, very serious when appropriate, however. There are people that only know me as stoic and serious. You’d be surprised how many “professional” people live double lives—I don’t, so you’ll notice my casualness. I don’t bottle myself up during the weekday, to pop bottles on the weekend.



Q: Why don’t you talk more about love and light? What about unconditional love? Isn’t love the answer to all problems?

A: I don’t talk about those kinds of concepts much because they come across to most people as wishful thinking. Since I’m here to talk about reality, it’s crucial to discuss things people observe as real.

You know what kind of world we live in. You know “unconditional love” is not a common human experience. Because I do things for people to relate to and benefit from, I must communicate in a practical way. Most people don’t even fully love themselves (their body, their mind, their life circumstances, etc.) so when you start talking about love, you start getting into the realm of the unrealistic. The reality is that we live on a world where nature isn’t always “loving,” and violence and predation has been built into the creatures of the planet since prehistory. Even herbivores prey on plants that have living, breathing, microscopic life forms on them.

With all that said, I do value love and light type sentiments, because people are bringing out the good in themselves and others. I actually talk about the concept of unconditional love in Navigating the Matrix. Love, in an abstract sense, can be the answer to all problems depending on how you define love and how you define a specific problem and solution. The world would undoubtedly be a better place if people were more loving towards one another, so I wholeheartedly agree that love is a powerful tool for building a better world.



Q: What are some of your hobbies? What do you do for fun?

A: Everything I do is for fun. For me, “working” is just another form of playing. I have some hobbies and talents I enjoy, but I work on them sporadically. When I get my other YouTube channels going you’ll see more of what I’m talking about.



Q: Wait a second, MRP is you trying to cure cancer? Get real!

A: I am real. I know cancer can be cured, and I created MRP to prove it. Click here for more information about it, and don’t forget to check out the Q&A section because it answers a bunch of good questions about what’s happening now, and what’s going to happen.



Q: Why do you have so many save-the-world kind of objectives? Most people want to help others, but you want people to realize they are the universe and cure cancer on top of that? What’s the deal with these lofty goals?

A: “My objectives” and “my goals” are literally what I am. We are beings of energy, and quite literally made of thought. Those “goals and objectives” are just expressions of my own energy, no different than the color red being an expression of a frequency of light. Also, they aren’t lofty from my perspective. People have been trained to devalue themselves, so something as natural as seeing your connection to the universe would seem like a big deal, even though it’s as simple and small a concept as owning the experiences your brain generates. And as far as cancer goes, there are people that have cured different versions of it, I just figured out a way to possibly cure all types. The test hasn’t taken place yet, so we’ll see how it all goes.


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