The word Жanu is the word Manu with a double M (the letter Zhe). One m is positioned regular, and the other is upside down (m + ɯ = ж). It basically means, “I’m a Manu in the higher, nonphysical dimensions, as I am a Manu in the physical.”
A Manu, as I define it, is a man that is here to change the world for the better. Manu is a man that is here to raise the vibration of human society, and stop the insane destruction of the planet, and the destruction of ourselves, collectively.
A Manu is a man that walks the walk and doesn’t just talk the talk, with regard to changing the world. Being a Manu is an action, and is a thing only expressed through the activity of a soul’s intention and declaration, through physical action.
To be a Manu is to literally be “creating a new world to experience.” If you aren’t dedicating your life to physically changing human culture, and making the planet a healthier, cleaner, safer, more self-aware place, you aren’t a Manu.
And to clarify, I didn’t mention “more loving and more compassionate” because that has to do with health and awareness. A healthy nervous system innately has the ability to express love and put themselves in another’s shoes. Love and compassion are natural components to a healthy human experience.
Now, about the whole “men’s only” thing, this may at first seem controversial, daresay SEXIST… but it’s not. Let’s walkthrough it, shall we?
A Manu is a man.
Manu is literally where the word Man came from.
The concept of being a Manu is specifically a masculine vibration.
First, a lesson:
Masculine energy is exertive and forceful, wherein the divine takes its intent and knowledge of self, and actively goes out and expresses itself by molding, shaping, pushing, and pulling its outer reality to express who it is. Poetically, it’s taking your divine will, and imprinting it on all that you can see, then expanding, seeing more, and repeating that process, becoming greater and greater in knowledge and awareness of self. It is the spirit of knowledge and invention, by learning and expressing the immortal creator of reality you fundamentally are. It is the sheer glory of MAKING the “unreal” real, and knowing that’s what we all are—life is that verb of making the invisible visible, and back again.
The female energy is receptive, and is “forceful” in a different way. The feminine Hz is the divine taking its intent and knowledge of self, and focusing inward, which paradoxically is a method of focusing outwards, because the outer reality is a reflection of the inner one. The outer reality is illusionary, while the inner reality is where the outer reality gets its tangibility from, so being inwardly focused allows a level of self-awareness, appreciation, love, and creative mastery that simply can’t be found plumbing the overanalytical depths of illusion. Within this furnace of self-awareness—a womb of tangible feeling-knowledge, rather than logical theory—the magnificent show of life can be extended (poetically, “birthed anew”) and more thoroughly enjoyed and witnessed for what it is, because life is the act of BEING/FEELING the knowledge of self. That feeling-knowledge is what separates a soulless robot from a human, and reveals the glory of creation in full.
Masculine and Feminine states are unique methods of expressing a being’s Godhood.
This is why women tend to be more heart-centered, empathic, and inwardly focused, wherein men tend to be more mind-centered, ready to exert themselves, and outwardly focused. Obviously this can all be positively or negatively expressed. Negative Feminine: being overly emotional and mindless (easily manipulated), and contributing little by way of physical action (a lazy diva that knows her glory but doesn’t “do anything”). The ditzy barbie and do-nothing diva stereotypes. And, what we all know and love, Negative Masculine: Being heartless, cruel, filled with misguided ideas and ready to exert them on the world, even forcing others to force others. Being ungrounded and lost, and attempting to dominate the outer reality into conforming, as a misguided attempt to express their glory. The negative masculine is an arrogant nervous system that is so damaged, it pretty much lacks the capacity to feel compassion and love for extended periods of time—it can’t hear the universe’s call to be a good person and “do the right thing.” Hence, causing chaos, war, rape, negative manipulation, and all manner of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual destruction. These destructions are big and small, from going out of your way to make someone feel like crap for no good reason (their race/ethnicity, looks, sexual orientation, height, etc.), to outright killing them for it (Holocaust, U.S. lynchings, murderous hate crimes, etc.), to even killing the planet which allows them to exist (they’re too macho to care about the environment, that’d be gay!). And the unbalanced women, being mindless, go along and follow the insane men, even teaching their children that being a man is this insanity, and that being a woman is this mindlessness. Then bring in the negative masculine religions, wherein a being that essentially gave birth to all things and loves them as its offspring is somehow male, women are too worthless to be prophets or the chosen one, and there’s all sorts of barbaric instructions in the holy texts that still somehow manifest in the world today. The religionists conveniently ignore the depravity, and pretend those acts have nothing to do with religion, even when it’s literally-literally instructed in the book defining their religion.
*Ohp! Miss Piddlin almost lost her temper there!*
Back on the subject of male and female energy (Honestly, I don’t like using the term energy here, but it’s better than nothing.), this sacred polarity is why there is the penis (exertion mechanism), and there is the vagina (reception mechanism). There’s a lot more to masculine energy and feminine energy, and I’ll get into that elsewhere. Lesson over!
So, moving forward:
A real man is a Manu.
A real woman is…
wait for it…
Clicking here may reveal the answer...
…a Manipadme.
Obviously not all men or women are the same. A woman can be very masculine, and a man can be very feminine.
I’m aware of the spiritual lore of Manu, which permeates various cultures and religions. Again, the word man comes from Manu. I have a sacred relationship to that information that I’ll explain at another time. I, myself, have a lot to learn about this relationship, but it’s special enough that I’ve chosen to don that label, and others like me.
I’m aware Padme is a character in Star Wars, lol. That name probably originates from Manipadme. I’m not saying it was directly chosen from it, but however it was chosen, it probably all boils down to the popularity of the term Manipadme.
Shoutouts to the Manus and Manis of the world.
Earth is begging us to change this place. (“The planet’s dyin’, Cloud!”)
Go to for more info.